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davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset SalmoNet, an integrated network of ten Salmonella enterica strains reveals common and distinct pathways to host adaptation over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Genome sequencing of the staple food crop white Guinea yam enables the development of a molecular marker for sex determination over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Speed breeding is a powerful tool to accelerate crop research and breeding over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Integrative analysis of Paneth cell proteomic and transcriptomic data from intestinal organoids reveals functional processes dependent on autophagy over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Efficient and accurate detection of splice junctions from RNA-seq with Portcullis over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Convergent evolution of SWS2 opsin facilitates adaptive radiation of threespine stickleback into different light environments over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Heterarchy of transcription factors driving basal and luminal cell phenotypes in human urothelium over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset ViCTree: an automated framework for taxonomic classification from protein sequences over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Genome-Wide Transcription During Early Wheat Meiosis Is Independent of Synapsis, Ploidy Level, and the Ph1 Locus over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset The first near-complete assembly of the hexaploid bread wheat genome, Triticum aestivum over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Data management and best practice for plant science over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Transcriptomic analysis of salt stress responsive genes in Rhazya stricta over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset New approaches for metagenome assembly with short reads over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Plant metabolic engineering in the synthetic biology era: plant chassis selection over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset MDH1 and MPP7 Regulate Autophagy in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset An Alternative Strategy for Trypanosome Survival in the Mammalian Bloodstream Revealed through Genome and Transcriptome Analysis of the Ubiquitous Bovine Parasite Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset The Structure of a Conserved Telomeric Region Associated with Variant Antigen Loci in the Blood Parasite Trypanosoma congolense over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Independent assessment and improvement of wheat genome assemblies using Fosill jumping libraries over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Leaf-GP: an open and automated software application for measuring growth phenotypes for arabidopsis and wheat over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Comparison of Efficiency and Specificity of CRISPR-Associated (Cas) Nucleases in Plants: An Expanded Toolkit for Precision Genome Engineering over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset An automated quantitative image analysis tool for the identification of microtubule patterns in plants over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset microRNAs associated with early neural crest development in Xenopus laevis over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Y Chromosome Sequences Reveal a Short Beringian Standstill, Rapid Expansion, and early Population structure of Native American Founders over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Dominant integration locus drives continuous diversification of plant immune receptors with exogenous domain fusions over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Gaining insight into plant gene transcription using smFISH over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Rapid Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory Infection using Nanopore-based Clinical Metagenomics over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Coordination of robust single cell rhythms in the Arabidopsis circadian clock via spatial waves of gene expression over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome over 5 years ago
davey added the extra "Funder" to the dataset Introducing the Brassica Information Portal: Towards integrating genotypic and phenotypic Brassica crop data over 5 years ago
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